The WE Connect program offers an alternative for students for whom the regular education program no longer creates an environment that is conducive to learning. The main focus is to improve student attendance, meet high levels of curriculum standards and achievement, and provide individualized programs that help each student succeed.

WE Connect provides students with an alternative instructional model within a general education setting, maintaining the highest level of academic excellence while recognizing and identifying students’ psychological, behavioral, medical and other issues.

Students work directly with special education teachers, who provide structure and support, while receiving direct instruction from content area teachers. The program includes a behavioral modification incentive plan. The students best suited for this program are those who struggle with school phobia, anxiety, depression, motivational issues and behavioral concerns. They may be performing on a college-level basis. WE Connect is not appropriate for the student who requires a resource-level setting. The program does not offer rehabilitation services for substance abuse, and is not appropriate for students who are not allowed at school because of disciplinary reasons.

The program is designed for the student who might otherwise be placed on home instruction or out-of-district placement. The goal is to keep students in their learning environment, while fostering a unique, supportive, motivational setting in which to learn.


Contact: Tania Symmons, director of special services, [email protected]

Submitted by school district.