On Friday, May 6, a group of local board members, along with New Jersey educators, visited NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland to learn more about how the organization can help support iSTEAM education in New Jersey school districts.


Pictured in the photograph here, left to right, Kelly Kohli, NASA educator professional development specialist; Jennifer Siehl, NJSBA administrative assistant; John Henry, NJSBA iSTEAM and sustainable schools specialist; John Bulina, NJSBA immediate past president; John Mather, NASA astrophysicist, and winner of the Nobel Prize in physics; Jason Jones, NJSBA vice president for legislation/resolutions; Mike McClure, NJSBA vice president for finance; Don Webster Jr., NJSBA president; and Sergeant First Class George Johnson, U.S. Army STEM education specialist.