The NJSBA Policy Unit and Legal Department continue to review policies as part of the sunset of the Critical Policy Reference Manual (CPRM). The October changes are listed below. The Policy Department appreciates all the hard work of the administrative assistants, school administrators and board members who are trying to stay on top of changes, and we encourage you to reach out if you have any questions. We are roughly halfway through the process.

Critical Policy Reference Manual (School Districts)

The following policies were revised:

4112.2 Certification – The introductory paragraphs regarding verification of credentials were revised. A paragraph about physical examinations was added. There were minor revisions in the section Reporting Arrests, and the legal citations in this section were updated. The Provisionally Certified Teachers section was replaced with a section titled Mentoring Provisional Novice Teachers and definitions were added. Other sections that were added are First Year Teaching Supports, Mentor Selection, District Mentoring Plan, and Adult High School. The section titled Special Education was edited.

4112.4/4212.4 Employee Health – Greater detail was added on examinations for cause.

4112.6/4212.6 Personnel Records – The bulleted list was restructured and content was added related to the record requirements of AchieveNJ.

Critical Policy Reference Manual (Charter Schools)

The following policies were revised:

4110 Streamline Tenure – The term “employee” in the first paragraph was edited to be more consistent with law and read “all teaching staff members, janitors, and secretaries,” and letter “B” in the first bulleted list was edited.

4112.2 Certification, 4112.4/4212.4 Employee Health and 4112.6/4212.6 Personnel Records – The changes to these policies are the same for districts and charter schools.

You may directly download these policy updates from the Critical Policy Reference Manual (CPRM) district or charter versions or the Policy Update List on your password-protected Policy Resources webpage . You may also contact a policy consultant at (609)278-5268 or email: Jean Harkness, policy consultant, at [email protected] or Steve McGettigan, policy manager at [email protected].