NJSBA’s Monthly Minute
NJSBA's monthly one-minute video installment, highlighting events and topics affecting New Jersey’s local school districts.
July 2018: Monthly Minute
On July 24. Gov. Murphy signed a school funding reform bill, which was part of the budget compromise reached with the Legislature in late June. The latest Monthly Minute video, which looks back on July 2018, spotlights this new law, as well as the reorganization of the State Board of Education, and the board member candidacy deadline.
June 2018: Monthly Minute
June’s Monthly Minute features a last minute budget deal, a major U.S. Supreme Court decision and the oldest high school graduate in New Jersey.
May 2018: Monthly Minute
A visit to NJSBA by New Jersey Commissioner of Education Lamont Repollet, the State Board’s vote to end state operation of the Paterson schools, the NJSBA –NJPTA Legislative Conference, and the Association’s video series on school safety and security are all featured in the latest Monthly Minute video, which looks back on May 2018.
April 2018: Monthly Minute
New Jersey students’ achievement, school board leadership training, and more education news are the focus of NJSBA’s latest Monthly Minute video, looking back at the month of April.
March 2018: Monthly Minute
Nor’easters impacted school calendars, students held peaceful walkouts to protest gun violence, and NJSBA provided guidance to school districts on both. NJSBA’s Monthly Minute video looks back at these stories, and more education news, from the month of March.
February 2018: Monthly Minute
The school shooting in Parkland, Florida has had an impact nationwide. The Monthly Minute for February focuses on how the New Jersey School Boards Association will continue to address student safety and security.
January 2018: Monthly Minute
A new Governor, reorganization of local boards of education, and recognizing “School Board Recognition Month” are highlights of NJSBA’s Monthly Minute, looking back at the month of January.
2017 Year-End Review: Monthly Minute
View our year-end review of education news in New Jersey. Included are state aid to education, PARCC test scores, the election of our new Governor, and other major developments from 2017.
November 2017: Monthly Minute
The election of New Jersey’s next governor, Phil Murphy, and the results of NJSBA’s Delegate Assembly are highlights of NJSBA’s Monthly Minute, looking back at the month of November.
October: Monthly Minute
Among this month’s highlights include School Ethics Commission updates, 9 New Jersey School districts are recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as Blue Ribbon Schools and highlights from last month’s annual NJSBA Workshop 2017 held in Atlantic City.
September 2017: Monthly Minute
Interviews with the two major party candidates for New Jersey governor, on their views of public education, highlight NJSBA’s September Monthly Minute. School construction referenda, and resources for helping those affected by the recent torrent of hurricanes, are also among the topics covered.
August 2017: Monthly Minute
Good news for New Jersey education, in the form of the state’s Every Student Succeeds Act plan. The news coverage also includes a farewell to a long-time legislator, and lifetime educator.
July 2017: Monthly Minute
While New Jersey schools may be closed in July, education news is hot. In NJSBA’s Monthly Minute coverage, new members were sworn in at the State Board of Education; the governor signed an NJSBA-initiated bill into law; and a state takeover district moved to local control.
June 2017: Monthly Minute
Our first installment covers the month of June.