After Superstorm Sandy struck New Jersey last fall, the outpouring of concern and generosity from people across the country was comforting.  Many of those contacting the NJSBA Sandy Relief Effort had experienced destruction and tragedy first hand during Hurricane Katrina or other natural disasters.  They knew the needs of displaced families and the types of equipment and supplies required by schools that were severely impacted by the storm.

Yesterday, a super tornado carved a two-by-20 mile path of destruction outside of Oklahoma City, shattering schools and countless homes, businesses and lives. Among the casualties were students at an elementary school that was directly struck by the tornado.  Yesterday’s super twister had closely followed a series of other destructive tornadoes.

This morning, I spoke with Jeff Mills, executive director of the Oklahoma State School Boards Association, to offer NJSBA’s assistance and support.  His association has established a relief effort for victims of the tornadoes.  They will accept donations of school supplies, ranging from notebooks, pens, pencils and markers to gym equipment, as well as toiletries, canned food and other items for displaced families.  Monetary donations will also be accepted.

Checks should be made out to “OSSBA Tornado Relief.”  Donations may be sent to OSSBA Tornado Relief, Oklahoma State School Boards Association, 2801 North Lincoln Boulevard, Oklahoma City, OK 73105.   Further information is available on OSSBA’s website at

The people of Oklahoma are in our thoughts and prayers. When members of another education community suffer, our hearts are heavy and we feel their pain.  I urge New Jersey’s education community to reach out and help the victims of this tragic event.

These are my Reflections. I look forward to hearing yours.  Contact me at [email protected]