The Center for Advocacy and Philanthropy at the Educational Testing Service (ETS) will provide support for NJSBA’s New Board Member Weekend Orientation March 13-15. The grant was announced by the Educational Leadership Foundation of New Jersey (ELFNJ), the non-profit that works with NJSBA to advance public education governance. This is the second year the ETS group has funded the March program.
The conference will take place at the Henry Chauncey Conference Center on the ETS campus in Princeton. The grant is in the form of an in-kind donation of the use of facilities to conduct the program and accommodations for board members.
As a result of the sponsorship, NJSBA can offer the successful program for newly elected and appointed board of education members at no cost to local school districts.
“Research shows that a well-trained school board has a direct and positive impact on student achievement,” said Dr. Lawrence S. Feinsod, NJSBA executive director and chief executive officer of the Education Leadership Foundation of New Jersey. “The weekend orientation is a rigorous two-and-a-half day program that immerses new board members in the responsibilities of their office and promotes sound decision-making focused on improving education.
“We thank the Center for Advocacy and Philanthropy at ETS for its support, which enables NJSBA to continue this essential training program,” Feinsod said.
Approximately 100 new board members will take part in the program. There are still spaces available in the March program. Board members should be registered for the program by their district business administrator.