Hudson Paul Palek, of the New Jersey Department of Education, spoke on the implementation of AchieveNJ at the Jan. 12 meeting of the Hudson County School Boards Association, held at Harrison High School.
Sussex New officers of the Sussex County School Boards Association (SCSBA) were sworn in at the Jan. 22 meeting of the group. From left to right, Daniel Sinclair, NJSBA vice president for county activities; Walter Krynicky, president, and member, Sussex-Wantage Regional board; Michael Bender, vice president for legislation, and member, Lenape Valley Regional board; Clifford Lundin, vice president/secretary and member, Hopatcong board; Anthony Fasano, NJSBA Board of Directors alternate and vice president, Hopatcong board; and Cynthia Auberger, immediate past president, SCSBA; and vice president, Vernon Township board.