Share your expertise, experience and insights with school board members and administrators at Workshop 2015.
Workshop—to be held at the Atlantic City Convention Center from Oct. 27 to Oct. 29—is the major conference for New Jersey school board members and administrators, offering more than 200 training programs.
This year’s theme, Partners in Student Achievement – Empowering the 21st Century Student, focuses on the collaboration among education leaders, educators, businesses, non-profits and communities – all working together to ensure a strong future for New Jersey’s children.
School districts are encouraged to share their vision with programs that feature strategies that school boards can use to energize their districts, inspire change, and advance student achievement.
School officials are looking for training on how to use their limited resources more efficiently, ways their school districts can become environmentally and financially sustainable, and strategies on becoming more effective school leaders. Some of the most requested training topics from surveys of our membership include: alternative funding, school safety, student achievement, STEM education, budgets/school finance, shared services, school law, public relations, curriculum, and school district technology. Please consider these topics when making your program proposal submissions.
NJSBA encourages proposals for the following training opportunities at Workshop 2015:
Action Labs: These 90-minute programs are for groups of up to 48 people. Action Labs emphasize the application of specific skills by actively involving participants. A majority of the program time must be devoted to hands-on tasks directed by the presenter(s). On the program proposal form, prospective presenters should clearly describe the program, spell out the objectives, and include a general list of proposed activities.
Group Sessions: These 60-minute programs present information to up to 200 attendees on an array of education topics. Typical topic areas might include best practices in a variety of subject areas, contrasting viewpoints on educational issues, or educational philosophy. At least 15 minutes of the program should be devoted to questions and answers. Group sessions may be presented by a single speaker, a panel, a debate, or some other program structure. If there is more than one presenter, please include all of the required information for each individual on the Program Proposal Form. These training opportunities are limited to three presenters. Please describe the program and spell out the objectives.
21st Century Classroom: The 21st Century Classroom is now a mainstay at Workshop. The venue has hosted many popular group sessions that have received positive feedback. This exhibition floor venue, with its cutting-edge technology, provides a unique opportunity to present innovative training sessions.
The room features enhanced wireless networking with Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) support, a large interactive display, high definition video conferencing, a flexible furniture configuration, and work areas for participant collaboration. The intent of this room is for districts to demonstrate how technology can be effectively integrated into the learning environment. Program proposals should include descriptions of how the presentation will integrate technology into the session. There are limited presentation slots available for this venue. For questions about the classroom and its technology, please contact Dan Burger at (973) 253-7600, extension 2256 or Adam Scarzafava at (973) 253-7600, extension 2311.
iSTEM and Green Command Center Last year more than 700 attendees experienced the iSTEM and Green Command Center. NJSBA will again feature this opportunity at Workshop 2015. Educators are invited to showcase their district’s iSTEM and sustainability programs and guide school district leaders in better understanding the impact of effective best practices on teaching and learning. Demonstrations will be scheduled for 30-minute time slots and may be delivered more than once.
All Workshop program submissions will receive equal consideration. NJSBA must receive completed forms by April 20.Those submitting proposals will be notified of the Associations’ decision in mid-June. Submit your Workshop Program Proposal Form today! For more information, contact Diane Morris via email or call (609) 278-5276.