On May 11 a bill was introduced in the General Assembly concerning the voting rights of the sending district representatives on receiving boards of education, achieving a goal set forth by the Delegate Assembly. In May 2014, the Delegate Assembly passed a resolution sponsored by the Upper Pittsgrove and Alloway Township boards of education to enable sending district representatives to exercise voting rights that were taken away by the by the courts in 2008.
Specifically, the Delegate Assembly adopted the belief that the law should be revised to expand the voting rights of sending district representatives on matters before the receiving district board of education to include the ability to vote on all matters that impact the students of the sending district in the receiving district; all district-wide issues; all board governance issues, and all matters related to the grade levels to which the sending district sends its students. The bill, A-4427, sponsored by Assemblyman John J. Burzichelli, embodies that belief.
The bill has been assigned to the Assembly Education Committee. No date for a hearing has been set yet. The NJSBA thanks Assemblyman Burzichelli for his sponsorship of this legislation.