Workshop 2015 is quickly approaching and, while NJSBA’s preparations for the state’s premiere educational conference take place all year long, there is no denying that the pace quickens as the new school year begins. Our staff is busy putting the finishing touches on this year’s conference, and I’m happy to report that Workshop 2015 is shaping up to be another outstanding experience for New Jersey’s school board members and other educational leaders. Workshop 2015’s training initiatives are going to be absolutely fantastic.
Workshop isn’t just for board members, superintendents and business administrators.
Over the past few years, we have expanded training to include valuable sessions for other members of the school district management team. Today, many programs provide continuing education credits to facility managers and qualified purchasing agents.
Group registration for Workshop 2015 covers up to 14 team members and may include all school board members, the superintendent, the business administrator, the facilities manager, the curriculum coordinator and the technology director. All of these team members can benefit from programming designed for their specific roles and from the broader discussions of the challenges and success of public education today.
Besides keynote presentations by education technology wizard and entrepreneur Travis Allen and educator/author Jack Berckemeyer, Workshop 2015 will offer a full schedule of general sessions designed to inform, inspire and motivate.
- A panel discussion with key state lawmakers will explore education-related legislation.
- Commissioner of Education David Hespe will address the state of education in New Jersey.
- The New Jersey Department of Education will discuss results of the first administration of PARCC testing.
Two NJSBA task forces will deliver their final reports at Workshop. Capping off nearly two years of research, the Student Achievement Task Force will present its findings, including best practices and strategies that local school boards can implement to improve student achievement. Members of the NJSBA Health and Wellness Student Achievement Task Force, whose goal is to determine how health and wellness policies, practices and processes impact student achievement, will discuss the task force’s findings and recommendations.
This is only a sampling of the useful and thought-provoking programs to be presented at Workshop 2015. More information, including a full schedule of training programs and links to registration information, is available at
I look forward to seeing your school district team at Workshop 2015.