Archived and Upcoming Webinars

Effective Disaster Recovery Plans: Be Prepared for the Next Storm

02/09/2016 10:00 am

Find out how other school districts are protecting their workloads with disaster recovery-as-a-service and infrastructure-as-a-service in a predictable cost model easy to submit into your annual school budget. During the webinar, learn about different disaster recovery options for your district, and how your school can use a data center to run your school’s systems and applications. Also learn the importance of choosing a data center that is not on the East Coast for assurance that the remote site will not be affected by the same disaster event as you.

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Manage Student Devices while Delivering Content Collaboration

01/19/2016 10:00 am

Managing student devices, applications, content and web browsing presents challenges to educators and parents. Schools are looking for ways to enable mobile learning in the classroom while maintaining student safety and privacy. Learn how your school can embrace the next generation of learning by creating secure mobile learning environments to enhance your students’ learning experience. Also learn how to enhance student engagement and transform the classroom experience for both educators and students.

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Improve Student Performance with School-Issued Devices and BYOD

01/12/2016 10:00 am

Many schools are adopting programs, ranging from school-issued Chromebooks and iPads, to supporting BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) for personalized learning to ensure all students have equal access to digital coursework. Learn how your school can deliver a consistent experience to students regardless of device, without sacrificing your IT control.

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Is your district prepared for a widespread IT outage?

12/15/2015 10:00 am

Learn how your district can manage complete recovery and failover when your main data center location is compromised by a disaster or any other downtime event. You will also learn how districts can move applications out to the cloud, which systems can stay locally in the district, and which systems can be deployed to the cloud data center. This webinar will cover Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

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Cloud Services

11/10/2015 10:00 am

Cloud-based services provide districts an affordable, subscription-based means of managing technology initiatives and disaster recovery plans. This means your district could improve its services and efficiency while saving money. Learn about ways your district can save time and money by taking advantage of the NJSBA TEC program offered through your NJSBA membership.

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Understanding E-Rate

10/20/2015 10:00 am

The E-Rate Program has provided up to $2.25 billion in funding annually to schools and offers eligible schools discounts on telecommunications services, Internet access and internal connections. In July 2014, the FCC voted to modernize the E-Rate program to help schools and libraries save money on telecommunications equipment. This effort, known as E-Rate 2.0, makes available an additional $1 billion in funds to address school and library needs with wireless and broadband connections. Learn about the changes in the E-Rate program, how to apply for funds with the new rules, and most importantly, how to save money with your discount rate and Category 2 budget.

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