Rules of Conduct
Governance & Operations
File Code: GO/8151
- Credentials: (a) The credential cards of all voting delegates shall be kept visibly displayed during the meeting. Voting shall be by electronic device. (b) The delegate to the Delegate Assembly must be either the delegate of record or alternate of record, or show proof of designated representation by the local board. A signed statement by the school business administrator on school district letterhead must be provided to show proof of designated representation by the local board. The delegate must show proof of identity at time of registration. (c) The registration desk shall close during the voting process in any contested election and no credentials shall be issued during such period. (d) An official count of all registered delegates shall be prepared and submitted to the President for announcement at the meeting just prior to the distribution of ballots in a contested election.
- Parliamentary Procedure: (a) Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, current edition, shall govern the proceedings unless otherwise inconsistent with these rules. (b) There shall be an official parliamentarian to whom questions may be directed only through the Chair.
- Seating: (a) All voting delegates, officers, members of the Board of Directors, county school board association representatives and staff shall be seated in front sections for easy access to the microphones for speaking privileges. (b) All others shall be seated in the rear of the meeting room.
- Recognition by Chair: (a) An eligible speaker shall use a microphone and gain recognition of the Chair before speaking. (b) He/she shall give his/her full name and local board or official capacity. (c) Speakers shall state, at the outset, if they are speaking for or against a motion.
- Written Amendments: (a) All motions to amend a resolution or committee report shall be submitted by the maker in writing to the Chair before or at the time the motion is made. The Chair has discretion to require any other motion to be submitted in writing. A majority vote is needed to pass the motion.
- Time Limitations on Speakers:
- The first presentation of a delegate moving a question shall be limited to three minutes. Subsequent presentations shall be limited to two minutes each. No authorized speaker shall speak a second time on the same question until all persons seeking the floor shall have had an opportunity to speak once.*
- The first presentation of a delegate moving an amendment to a question shall be limited to two minutes. Subsequent presentations shall be limited to one minute each. No authorized speaker shall speak a second time on the same amendment until all persons seeking the floor shall have had an opportunity to speak once.
- Discussion on a committee report shall be limited to 15 minutes with the provision that, if continuation is desired, a motion may be passed by a two-thirds vote of the delegates present and voting to extend discussion time for a period of not more than five minutes, with a separate motion being required for each such extension.*
- Discussion on a proposed amendment to the Bylaws shall be limited to 15 minutes with the provision that, if continuation is desired, a motion may be passed by a two-thirds vote of the delegates present and voting to extend discussion time for a period of five minutes, with a separate motion being required for each such extension.*
- Discussion on a resolution shall be limited to 15 minutes with the provision that, if continuation is desired, a motion may be passed by a two-thirds vote of the delegates present and voting to extend discussion time for a period of not more than five minutes, with a separate motion being required for each such extension.*
- (f) If a motion to amend the main motion is made, time will be suspended on the main resolution or committee report and five minutes will be allowed for discussion of the proposed amendment with the provision for extension as noted above (d). At the conclusion of a vote on the proposed amendment, time will be resumed on the main resolution or committee report.*
* Time clocks will be stopped when questions on parliamentary procedure are discussed and while proposed amendments are being prepared for presentation.
- Straw Poll: There shall be no straw poll vote while the meeting is in session.
- A Motion to Call the Question: (a) May not be made by a delegate at the conclusion of his/her remarks; (b) Will be deemed out of order if there are delegates waiting to speak and if discussion on the matter has not exceeded five minutes. A two-thirds vote of the delegates present and voting is needed to pass the motion.
- Motion to Reconsider: Notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, current edition, once a resolution or Bylaws amendment has been voted upon, the delegates may not reconsider the vote on that resolution or Bylaws amendment.
- Breach of Order: In debate a member’s remarks must be germane to the question before the assembly—that is, his statements must have bearing on whether the pending motion should be adopted. If a member commits only a slight breach of order—such as addressing another member instead of the chair in debate, or in a single instance, failing to confine his remarks to the merits of the pending question—the chair will advise the member to avoid it. The member can then continue speaking if he commits no further breaches. If the offense is more serious as when a member persists in speaking on completely irrelevant matters in debate, the chair will warn the member; but with or without such a warning the president or any delegate can “call the member to order.” If the chair does this, he says, ‘The member is out of order and will be seated.’ Another member wishing to call a member to order shall rise and say, without waiting to be recognized, ‘Mr. [Chair], I call the member to order,’ and then resumes his seat. If the chair finds this point of order well taken, he declares the offender out of order and directs him to be seated.
- Suspension of Rules: These rules may be overridden by a two‑thirds vote of the delegates present and voting.
NOTE: These Rules of Conduct for the Delegate Assembly will sunset at the conclusion of the Delegate Assembly.