As part of School Board Recognition Month, the New Jersey State Board of Education approved a resolution on Jan. 3 that commends the work that the state’s 5,000 local school board members and charter school trustees provide to improve the education of nearly 1.4 million school children
NJSBA President Dan Sinclair accepted the resolution, thanking the State Board for its support for local boards. Dr. Lawrence S. Feinsod, NJSBA executive director noted in remarks that, over the years, many State Board members have served on their local boards of education. He thanked local board members who devote many hours to school board service without compensation, and expressed his belief that “New Jersey has the best school board members in the country.”
NJSBA has posted information online to help communities honor their school board members; the School Board Recognition Month resources are available at
The State Board of Education’s resolution states:
- WHEREAS, the New Jersey State Board of Education, which adopts the administrative code to implement state education law, has established rigorous standards through its promulgation of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards, which set the expectations of academic achievement for nearly 1.4 million public schoolchildren; and
- WHEREAS, New Jersey’s locally elected and appointed boards of education play a vital role in ensuring that their local school districts meet state standards and adhere to all code provisions, with the goal of providing an outstanding education to prepare all students for college and the workplace and to enable them to compete in a global economy; and
- WHEREAS, New Jersey’s 5,000 non-partisan local board of education members and charter school trustees are public servants who dedicate their time, without pay or benefit, to the oversight of school district operations, sound financial practices, comprehensive policies, curriculum, staffing, and the well-being and academic achievement of all students in the district; and
- WHEREAS, the efforts of local boards of education, in conjunction with state education officials and local educators, have built a foundation of success that has led to New Jersey’s status as a leader in student achievement, as evidenced by the National Assessment of Educational Progress scores; and
- WHEREAS, the National School Boards Association and the New Jersey School Boards Association have declared January 2018 to be School Board Recognition Month; now, therefore, be it
- RESOLVED, that the New Jersey State Board of Education recognizes the contributions of our state’s local boards of education to the academic success of its public school students and expresses its sincere appreciation to local board of education members for their continued focus on the achievement of children throughout New Jersey; and be it further
- RESOLVED, that the New Jersey State Board of Education encourages qualified New Jersey citizens to consider serving as members of their local school boards.