The New Jersey School Boards Association (NJSBA) Delegate Assembly will meet on Saturday, May 20.

NJSBA reminds all school boards that decisions made by each Delegate Assembly are followed by action that often results in the introduction of legislation, the stopping of undesirable legislation or the adoption of new state board of education policies. The Delegate Assembly gives local school boards the opportunity for input before these far-reaching statewide policy decisions are made. Therefore, we urge boards to review the recommendations of the committee reports and proposed resolutions so that their delegates are familiar with the issues. Policies adopted by the Delegate Assemblies are codified in NJSBA’s Manual of Positions and Policies on Education and can be viewed on the NJSBA website.

School Finance Committee Report

The School Finance Committee met to consider issues related to school finance and the fiscal implications of proposed legislative education reforms and to make recommendation for revisions to NJSBA’s Manual of Positions and Policies on Education.

Special Education Committee Report

The Special Education Committee considered various pieces of information for consideration that would enable NJSBA to advocate for greater flexibility in the assessment of special education students and to recommend revisions to NJSBA’s Manual of Positions and Policies on Education.

Task Force on Student Achievement Report

The Task Force met to consider best practices to advance the academic performance of economically-challenged students and ensure that NJSBA’s beliefs in key areas reflect its mission to advance public education and promote the achievement of all students through effective governance.


Edison Township (Middlesex) The resolution proposes new policy language in NJSBA Manual of Positions  and Policieson Education that states NJSBA believes that New Jersey charter schools, in high-quality suburban school districts, erode the operations of public education by draining badly needed financial resources.

Waterford Township (Camden) The resolution requests that NJSBA adopt a policy stating its belief that existing New Jersey state law should be amended by the Legislature to allow for a shared superintendent for no minimum time period and to be done on an as-needed basis.

The election of Association officers for the 2017-2019 term will take place. Candidates selected by the Nominating Committee are as follows: President – Daniel Sinclair, Lakeland Regional Board of Education (Passaic); Vice President for County Activities- Christy Tighe, Greenwich Township Board of Education (Warren); Vice President for Finance – Michael R. McClure, Maple Shade Board of Education, (Burlington); Vice President for Legislation/Resolutions – Brandon Pugh, Moorestown Board of Education (Burlington)

Also on the agenda is the Sunset Review of File Code 3220, (State Funds) and Section 5000, (Pupils) of the NJSBA’s Manual of Positions and Policies on Education.

Notice was emailed/faxed to school business administrators, county association presidents and delegates on April 18 advising them that the resolutions and background materials and committee recommendations could be found at the Delegate Assembly web page, so local boards could review these materials prior to the Delegate Assembly. Delegate Assembly materials were mailed to all delegates registered by April 28.

The May Delegate Assembly will be held at The Conference Center at Mercer. The meeting begins at 9 a.m. (registration begins at 8 a.m.)

Directions are provided on the NJSBA website and in the delegate packet. Delegates may register online at “Register for the DA.” If the delegate or alternate is unable to attend, any member of the board of education may be certified to represent the board at the meeting. To be certified, delegates must show proof on district letterhead that they have been designated to represent the board at the meeting.